Head of Research Team “Infectious disease & vaccine monitoring
Prof. Alex Vorsters
Prof. Alex Vorsters is a bioengineer with a postgraduate course in Tropical Veterinary Medicine. He got his PhD in 2016 on the detection of HPV DNA in first-void urine and monitoring the impact of HPV vaccination. He coordinates a research team that investigates the use of first void urine as a liquid biomarker source: in cervical cancer screening programs, for follow-up of HPV vaccination programs, and for other genital tract infections in women.
Since 2015 he has coordinated the activities of the Human Papilloma Virus Prevention and Control Board (www.hpvboard.org) and he is the co-principal Investigator of the Coalition to Strengthen the HPV Immunization community (stophpv.org). For his innovative research in this new field, he obtained in 2021 an ERC grant from the European Union.