Head of Research Team “Epidemiology"
Heidi Theeten
Heidi Theeten has been working at the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccinations (CEV), University of Antwerp, since 2001. She has coordinated clinical vaccine studies of various diseases, seroprevalence studies at a national level as well as vaccination coverage studies in Flanders. She obtained her PhD entitled "Evaluation of Vaccination Programs by serological surveys and vaccination coverage studies" in 2011. As a postdoctoral researcher, she continued to supervise vaccination coverage and seroprevalence studies.
Since 2016, she has been coordinating a project to monitor pneumococcal carriage in infants in Belgium. Since October 2020, she also started as an infectious disease control physician at Care and Health (Zorg en Gezondheid). She continues to coordinate some modules in the Youth Health Care (Jeugdgezondheidszorg) training program.