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State-of-the-art facility leveraging clinical trial expertise to deliver meaningful results


Operated by the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV)

Founded in 1994 by Prof. Dr. Pierre Van Damme.
Member of the Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute – Vaxinfectio which is part of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences of the University of Antwerp.
WHO Collaborating Centre for the WHO European Region for the control and prevention of infectious diseases.
Focuses on the assessment of new vaccines, ways to improve existing vaccines, on infectious disease & vaccine monitoring, maternal immunization research, research on epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccine confidence, communication & education.
Broadens the clinical research capacity to monoclonals and antivirals with the addition of the quarantine unit for human infection trials in the Vaccinopolis building.
vaccinopolis team


Safeguard public health by performing high quality translational clinical research.

Our team

Meet the experienced management team of Vaccinopolis.

Our network

In direct contact with leading experts in the field.

Quality Policy

Clinical research that represents quality, reliability, efficiency and safety for all volunteers & staff.

History of Vaccinopolis


First ambulatory vaccine trial conducted at the University of Antwerp.


Foundation of the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV) by Prof Dr Pierre Van Damme - operating in the S- building of the university of Antwerp.


WHO Collaborating Centre for the WHO European Region for the control and prevention of infectious diseases.


High Patronage of HRH princes/Queen Mathilde.



January 2021

Start construction of Vaccinopolis.

March 2022

Official opening of Vaccinopolis.

May 2022

Inauguration of European Plotkin Institute of Vaccinology.

October 2022

Ambulatory vaccine trials moved to Vaccinopolis.

September 2024

Quarantaine unit for human infection trials fully operational.

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