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Offers high quality translational clinical research that aims to accelerate and sustain infectious diseases prevention & control

Vaccinopolis, everything under one roof!

Vaccinopolis, a 6000m2 clinical research facility, encompasses:

infectious disease research groups
an ambulatory unit for vaccine trials (phase I-IV)
a quarantine unit for human infection trials (vaccines & therapeutics) and
multiple laboratories, at biosafety level 2 and 3

The combination of these various expertise in a unique facility creates a globally recognized center of excellence in the field of vaccine trials and infectious disease research.

Together with our partner at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) we form the European Plotkin Institute for Vaccinology.

European Plotkin Institute

Volunteers are the backbone for clinical trials! 

By participating in our clinical trials, you will assist with the development of much needed vaccines, therapeutics & diagnostics in the fight against infectious diseases.

No clinical trial without volunteers

Scientific excellence can only be achieved by active collaboration between expert teams.

No infectious disease research without a global network

Make an impact

With your financial support, we can contribute to the acceleration of infectious disease research & development, and potentially save countless lives around the world.

Does your organisation want to become an ally in the battle against future pandemics? Do you have a heart for science and want to join the alliance in infection prevention & control?


Vaccinopolis safeguards public health by performing high quality translational clinical research in the field of infectious diseases and aims to become one of the key global stakeholders in pandemic readiness

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